May 25, 2011

Spring Colds

I woke up yesterday with almost no voice and a stuffy head.  I was hoping that this year I would get by without catching what everyone else in my family seems to have had.  But no such luck!  So today I am relaxing, and doing what I love when I'm ill.  I'm watching Pride and Prejudice and drinking warm citrus drinks to soothe my throat.  My husband would roll his eyes if he knew I was watching Pride and Prejudice as he seems to think I watch it way too often.  I think I watch it about once every six or eight weeks.  It is one of my favorite movies.  I don't know if it's the manners they seem to show or just the lovely story of a unique family that I love so much. 

I hope this will pass quickly as I have alot of projects that I want to begin now that the weather is cooperating.  We will be putting in a new sprinkler system on Saturday and I want to get my garden in soon.  I'm also going to re-paint my bedroom (I'll post pictures) soon.  When we moved in a little under 2 years ago, I painted one of the walls in my bedroom red and put black and gold on top with glaze.  It looks very vintage french, or perhaps old italian.  Which would have been fine in a kitchen, but I don't know what I was thinking of putting it in a bedroom.  So I am planning on more soothing colors.  I also have alot of sewing to do.  Thus I feel that there is a lot to get done and so I need to be feeling better quickly, but for now I'm going to enjoy the day and watching my favorite movie!

What is your favorite thing to do when you're not feeling well?

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