September 17, 2011

Rewards of a Mother

I have a son that is living in another state.  He has struggled in getting a job and getting on his feet.  He is finally working for a company that he likes and is doing okay.  He and I talk a couple of times a week and I'm glad that we have the relationship that we have. 

So, today when he called we were talking and he said, "Mom I want to tell you about an experience that I had yesterday."  He then proceeded to tell me about how while he was out doing sales he was approached by a woman.  She asked him for some money and told him how she was struggling.  He took her to a nearby store and bought diapers and wipes for her children.  During their conversation, she told him that she had been to a funeral in the city in which he lives,but she needed to get back to her home in another city.   He left her with food for her and the kids and then went on his way.  He said he went and got himself some dinner and while he was eating he couldn't get this lady out of his mind.  He said he thought to himself, "I've done enough."  Then the story of the Good Samaritan came to his mind as well as the thought "When can we say we've done enough?"  So he went back and gave her enough money to get her and her children back to their home.  He told me how good he felt that he had been able to help her out.   He is getting by okay, but not totally on top of his finances yet, but he was able to lift another's burden.  I am proud of the man he has become. 

I have wonderful children that think of others.  This is one of the rewards that I've been able to enjoy and I feel blessed that Heavenly Father sent these children to my home for me to raise and love.  It is so rewarding knowing that they listen to the Spirit.  That the things that they were taught in our home have been kept in their hearts to be acted upon when they are inspired to do so!  As a Mom I am truly blessed! 

1 comment:

Kristanne said...

What a wonderful story. Those times we get to glimpse some of the fruit of our labors are so sweet. Thanks for sharing!