February 20, 2011


That was the Lesson today in RS.  Our teacher was so inspired and I so needed to hear what she had to say.  She talked about 4 things that we need when serving others.
  • First, we need the desire to serve others.  Without that desire, what is the purpose?
  • Second, we need to have love.  We need to serve others with a Christ-like attitude and try to see them as our Heavenly Father sees them.  We need to have Love.  If you serve with love it is much more meaningful for both the server and the receiver.  (But I think it really blesses the server).
  • Third, We need to heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  This will lead and guide us to who it is that is in need of our special talents.
  • Fourth, DOn't waIT.  (Do It).  Don't fail to follow through on those promptings.  First, what can it hurt if it wasn't really a prompting?  And second, if it was, you will learn to become more discerning in listening to the Spirit.
I loved this lesson and hope I can become better at serving those around me.  I need to learn to listen more closely as those promptings come and then not be afraid to act upon them. 

I was so blessed to be there to hear this timely lesson that I needed.

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