So this last week was a whirlwind adventure week. I've been looking at newer cars for the past couple of years - yearning for something a little larger than my Toyota Corolla. I've written before on how I'm a car gal and I really like to pick out what it is I want. I don't leave these things up to my husband, well because his attitude is that a car needs to get you from point A to point B. I agree with that, but I think you need to do it in comfort and if you also include the "Cool" factor then you need something more, definitely much, much more!!
So this past week, I found a car on Autotrader that was for sale in Reading, PA. It was about 6K less than I could get it anywhere around here (Utah). So, I showed it to my husband and he decided that it was a good deal and that we should go ahead and get it. Crazy I know. It's clear across the country! And the adventure began.
We talked to the dealership on Friday and then again on Monday. We took at chance and ordered plane tickets on Friday (that was scary) not know if we would really get to purchase the car, but having faith. We put a deposit down on it on Monday and it was going to be ours. So on Thursday night we flew to AZ and then on to PA. We arrived in PA at 6 a.m. A sweet older gentleman that works part-time for the dealership picked us up from the airport and took us to breakfast. He was so nice. And everyone else at the dealership was so courteous and kind. I'd do business with them anytime!! So those of you out east might think about stopping by Tom Masano Ford in Reading, PA they're great to work with. Anywho, by the time we drove to the dealership it was about 9 a.m. We filled out the paperwork and were on our way by around 10:30.

So we finally got out of PA around 2:00 p.m. and made it almost half way through Missouri by 1:00 a.m. the next morning. We stopped and slept for about 5 hours and then conitnued on. We passed through some of the most beautiful country. Granted it was stark and dry due to being winter, but it was beautiful nonetheless. Pennsylvania was rolling hills with trees everywhere. I would never have imagined that. Ohio was full of trees and gently rolling hills as well. There were less hills in Indiana and even less the closer we got to Nebraska. Then when we hit Wyoming there were the Rocky Mountains that we love so much. We started on I-70 and at Kansas City headed north to I-80. The weather was perfect and we didn't hit any bad weather. It had snowed a little in Nebraska near Lincoln. Then all through Wyoming it had snowed, but the roads were clear. We finally made it home Sunday at 4 a.m. It was a quick trip, but such an adventure. We traveled 2250 miles, and I got to do it all with my sweet husband. What a wonderful traveling companion he is. He was such a good sport about everything.
So now my sweet husband is driving my Toyota to work and I am driving a new-to-me Ford Edge. It doesn't get quite the same gas mileage, but I feel safer on the road and I really like the car. It's very comfortable and I plan on gettting a lot of use out of it for many years to come. It was a whirlwind weekend, but so, so much fun!! Thanks to a wonderful husband, many kind people and beautiful country!!