Today I went crazy! It was a fun day!! I called a friend on Sunday and asked if she wanted to go to some quilting shops in Salt Lake with me today. I've got the bug. I did a quilt for Hannah and now am beginning another one. My son asked me to do one for him, so I was on the hunt for some lovely fabric.
As we entered our first quilt shop, I had no idea that there were such beautiful, vibrant colors! I was in heaven. I just wanted to stand and soak all of that color in. I want to do so many quilts and do them right now. I think it's called quilter's fever. However, I know that I am just a beginner and that I need to go slow. Being who I am if I make one that I don't like it will kill this desire and I don't want to do that. I tend to want perfection, but I am determined to make at least one quilt for each of my children. That way they will have something of me! Something that I made specifically for them. So that they will know how special they are to me. Not that they don't know that they are special to me, but it's just one of those mom things. Anywho, once I found the fabric for the new quilt, I started seeing lovely fabrics that would make darling, little girl clothes for my grandbaby. I had to get out of there quick!

Okay is it normal to want a room in your house just dedicated to fabric. I wish I had room to have it all layed out just like in the stores. Where all of the colors match and are arranged by color. I'm also on the hunt for a great deal on a quilting machine. I think I've found my new hobby! I'll let you know how it goes and post pictures as I do these quilts!!
I appreciated having a good friend want to spend the day doing this with me! We had so much fun just talking and laughing. I think everyone needs a friend to laugh with. We even planned what projects we needed to get done so that we can go on another outing together. I loved today!! Thank you my friend for spending time with me and being the inspiration for my next few projects!!